March 26, 2018


University of Washington 6th Summer Finance Conference
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Seattle, United States

4th Conference in Corporate Policies and Asset Prices (COAP)
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Yale Program on Financial Stability Conference 2024
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New Haven, United States

Second Aarhus Workshop on Strategic Interaction in Corporate Finance
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Aarhus, Denmark

Workshop on Banking and Finance in Emerging Markets
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Helsinki, Finland

51st European Finance Association Annual Meeting
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Bratislava, Slovakia

Conference on Corporate Governance
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Stockholm, Sweden

2024 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA)
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Frankfurt, Germany

Knut Wicksell Conference on Crypto and Fintech
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Lund, Sweden

6th Endless Summer Conference on Financial Intermediation and Corporate Finance
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Athens, Greece

55th Annual Conference of the Money, Macro and Finance Society
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Manchester, United Kingdom

SITE 2024 Conference - Session on the Macroeconomics of Uncertainty and Volatility
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Stanford, United States

The 2024 International Conference in Banking and Financial Studies
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Catania, Italy

21st Corporate Finance Days - Benelux Corporate Finance Network
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Leuven, Belgium

Corporate Theory Symposium 2024
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Cambridge, United Kingdom

Twelfth Oxford Financial Intermediation Theory Conference (OxFIT)
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Oxford, United Kingdom

FDIC 23rd Annual Bank Research Conference
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Arlington, United States

Exeter Sustainable Finance Conference
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Exeter, United Kingdom

Annual Global Capital Allocation Project Conference - International Macroeconomics and Finance
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New York, United States

Community Banking Research Conference
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St. Louis, United States

Princeton Macro-Finance Conference
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New Jersey, United States

2024 Federal Reserve Stress Testing Research Conference
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Boston, United States

Conference on Advances in Macro-Finance Research
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San Francisco, United States

Macroeconomic Policy Perspectives Conference: “Banking, Regulation and Macroeconomic Outcomes”
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Minneapolis, United States

Wharton Conference on Liquidity and Financial Fragility
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Philadelphia, United States

10th IWH-FIN-FIRE Workshop on “Challenges to Financial Stability”
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Halle (Saale), Germany

MORSE Conference - Finance and Resilience Track
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Maastricht, Netherlands

1st CEPR Frankfurt Hub International Conference
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Frankfurt, Germany

Women in Central Banking Workshop
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Dallas, United States

2024 EBA Policy Research Workshop - Boundaries of Banking Regulation
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Paris, France

ECB Conference on Money Markets 2024
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Frankfurt, Germany

Global Research Forum on International Macroeconomics and Finance 2024
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Frankfurt, Germany

25th Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference: Rethinking the Policy Toolkit in a Turbulent Global Economy
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Washington D.C., United States

2024 University of Oklahoma Climate and Energy Finance Research Conference
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Oklahoma City, United States

ECB conference on financial stability and macroprudential policy 2024
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Frankfurt, Germany

2024 Financial Stability Conference: Emerging Risks in a Time of Interconnectedness and Innovation
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Cleveland, United States

Monetary and Financial History: Lessons for the 21st Century
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Stockholm, Sweden

25th IWH-CIREQ-GW-BOKERI Macroeconometric Workshop: International Macroeconomics
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Halle (Saale), Germany

Macroeconomic Modelling Frontiers for Research and Policy in Central Banks
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Frankfurt, Germany

2024 Massey Sustainable Finance Conference
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Auckland, New Zealand

Santiago Finance Workshop
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Santiago, Chile

Workshop on Empirical Monetary Economics
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Paris, France

Australasian Finance & Banking Conference
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Sydney, Australia

CEPR Paris Symposium
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Paris, France

5th Financial Economics Meeting (FEM-2024)
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Paris, France

EUROFIDAI-ESSEC Paris December Finance Meeting
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Paris, France

IBEFA and ASSA Annual Meeting
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San Francisco, United States

2025 Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting
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Chicago, United States

Global Shocks, Macroeconomic Spillovers and Geopolitical Risks: Policy Challenges
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Brussels, Belgium