Santiago Finance Workshop

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CfP Deadline:

July 12, 2024

Conference Event:

December 9-10, 2024

Event Location:

Santiago, Chile


University of Chile

Keynote Speaker(s):

Victoria Ivashina (Harvard Business School)


The School of Business and Economics of the University of Chile (with the support of the Central Bank of Chile) is proud to organize the 2024 edition of the Santiago Finance Workshop (SFW), which will take place in person on December 9–10, 2024, in Santiago, Chile. The University of Chile is one of the most prestigious universities in Latin America. The workshop will bring together academics and policymakers worldwide to discuss new empirical and theoretical research on financial issues.

We are delighted to announce that our keynote speaker will be Prof. Victoria Ivashina, Lovett-Learned
Professor of Finance and Head of the Finance Unit at Harvard Business School, and associate editor of the
Journal of Finance and the Journal of Financial Intermediation. The eight previous editions of the workshop took place between 2015 and 2023. They sparked stimulating discussions and welcomed outstanding keynote speakers, including Prof. Philipp Schnabl, Prof. John Campbell, Prof. Ron Kaniel, Prof. Itay Goldstein, Prof. Toni M. Whited, Prof. Stefan Nagel, Prof. Andrew Karolyi, Prof. Franklin Allen, Prof. Michael Brennan, and Prof. Eduardo Schwartz.


We invite scholars and researchers to submit your research on any Finance or Financial Economics topic by July 12th, 2024, by emailing your paper to with the subject line “Submission for consideration for SFW 2024”. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by August 2nd, 2024.

The SFW’s Organizing Committee will cover airfare (economy class) and/or accommodation costs during
the workshop for participants who need funding. The funding request should be included in the submission email, specifying the type of support required. We expect participants to stay for the entire duration of the conference.


Santiago Finance Workshop