March 21, 2018

Transmission of shocks via international banks

Overcoming original sin: insights from a new dataset

Cross-border linkages of banks can transmit liquidity shocks from one country to another. This has become obvious during the recent financial crisis, where internationally active banks played an important role in the transmission of shocks. A liquidity shock can be transferred from one country abroad to the domestic country due to three possible channels. Firstly, the liquidity shock abroad can be transferred through a reduction of direct cross-border loan supply by foreign banks. Secondly, due to the liquidity shock abroad, local affiliates of a foreign-owned bank can reduce their lending activities in the host country. This can be attributed to the fact that globally active banks are able to reallocate their funds across borders. Thus, they can better compensate liquidity shocks at home by reallocating funds from their foreign affiliates to their head office. Thirdly, a liquidity shock abroad can be transmitted through domestic banks due to a reduction of local lending. This might happen if banks located in the country in which the liquidity shock originates adjust their cross-border activities. As a result cross-border interbank lending might decline such that domestic banks face a funding shock to their balance sheet. This, in turn, might induce a reduction of domestic loan supply.

Published papers

Aiyar, S. (2012). From financial crisis to great recession: The role of globalized banksAmerican Economic Review 102(3): 225-230.

Anginer, D., E. Cerutti, and M. Peria (2017). Foreign Bank Subsidiaries’ Default Risk during the Global Crisis: What Factors Help Insulate Affiliates from their Parents?. Journal of Financial Intermediation 29: 19-31.

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Cetorelli, N., and L.S. Goldberg (2011). Global banks and international shock transmission: Evidence from the crisis. IMF Economic Review59(1): 41-76.

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Xu, Y., and H.A. La (2015). Foreign banks and international shock transmission: does bank ownership still matter?Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 38: 200-216.

Working and discussion papers

Agénor, P-R., and L. A. Pereira da Silva (2019). Global Banking, Financial Spillovers, and Macroprudential Policy Coordination. BIS Working Papers No. 764.

Ahnert T., G. DuRand, C. Georg (2023). Anticipated Financial Contagion. CEPR Press Discussion Paper No. 18223.

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Altavilla, C., M. Pagano and S. Simonelli (2016). Bank Exposures and Sovereign Stress Transmission. CEPR Discussion Paper 11269.

Alter, A., J. Dokko, and D. Seneviratne (2018). House Price Synchronicity, Banking Integration, and Global Financial Conditions. IMF Working Paper No. 18/250.

Azzimonti, M., and V. Quadrini (2018). International Spillovers and ‘Ex-ante’ Efficient Bailouts. NBER Working Papers No. 25011.

Baskaya, Y., J. di Giovanni, S. Kalemli-Ozcan, and M. F. Ulu (2017). International Spillovers and Local Credit Cycles. CEPR Working Paper 11839.

Beck, T., S. Da-Rocha-Lopes, and A. Silva (2017): Sharing the Pain? Credit Supply and Real Effects of Bank Bail-ins. CEPR Discussion Paper 12058.

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Wickens, M. R. (2020). Forward interest rates as predictors of future US and UK spot rates before and after the 2008 financial crisis. CEPR Discussion Paper No. 14800.

Other articles

Buch, C.M., J. Chapman, and L. Goldberg (2014). Transmission of liquidity risk through global banks: An International Banking Research Network project.

Cai, J., A. Saunders and S. Steffen (2016). Syndication, Interconnectedness, and Systemic Risk. Mimeo. Galindo, A.J., A. Izquierdo, and L. Rojas-Suarez (2013). Financial integration and foreign banks in Latin America: How do they impact the transmission of external financial shocks?, in Bang Nam Jeon , María Pía Olivero (ed.) Global Banking, Financial Markets and Crises (International Finance Review, Volume 14) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.305 – 339.

Götz, M.R., L. Leaven, and R. Levine (2016). Geographic expansion reduces banks’ risk: New evidence.