October 2024: The decline in the US international investment position

The FRED Blog Entryby Ana Maria Santacreu and Ashley Stewart. Net international investment position (NIIP) captures the difference between two large numbers: the value of US-owned assets abroad (foreign assets) and the value of foreign-owned assets in the US (foreign liabilities). The NIPP determines whether a country is a net creditor (positive position) or a[…]

September 2024: How the design of own funds requirements can influence banks’ behaviour

Deutsche Bundesbank Research Brief | 69th edition – September 2024by Kamil Pliszka, Carina Schlam Global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) have to comply with additional buffer requirements owing to their size and interconnectedness within the banking sector. The buffer level banks are expected to meet depends on their exposures at a certain point in time. A new[…]

September 2024: Dealer Balance Sheet Constraints Evidence from Dealer-Level Data across Repo Market Segments

FEDS Noteby Lia Chabot, Paul Cochran, Sebastian Infante and Benjamin Iorio In this note, the authors present a novel measure based on individual dealer-level data that isolates the compensation dealers receive for intermediating overnight Treasury repurchase agreements across repo market segments. Link: FEDS Notes: Dealer Balance Sheet Constraints Evidence from Dealer-Level Data across Repo Market[…]

September 2024: EBA updates data used for the identification of global systemically important institutions (G-SIIs)

European Banking Authority Press Release The European Banking Authority (EBA) updated the 13 systemic importance indicators and underlying data for the 33 largest institutions in the EU whose leverage ratio exposure measure exceeds EUR 200 bn. This publication includes updated numbers and data items specific to the recognition of the Banking Union and of institutions[…]

August 2024: Securities Holdings Statistics Research Database

Research data base by De Nederlandsche Bank Securities Holdings Statistics (SHS), compiled by the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and organized by the European Central Bank have spurred research over the past decade. This data base includes an overview of the available research papers based on the literature review of DNB Working Paper No.[…]

July 2024: The EU market on structured deposits is limited in size, concentrated in only a few Member States, and offers products with varying net returns

European Banking Authority Press Release The European Banking Authority (EBA) published a Report on structured deposits in the European Union (EU), under the Markets for Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR) to monitor this particular market segment. The Report finds that in more than half of the 27 national markets in the EU, structured deposits do not[…]

July 2024: How banking union and capital markets union can help Europe finance the climate change challenge

ESM Blog Entryby Wim Van Aken & Carlos Eduardo Martins Climate change and actions taken to mitigate its negative effects should be of great concern for European citizens, economies, and, ultimately, for financial stability. Experts agree that billions of euros are needed every year to reduce emissions and curb climate change risks. With the ESM[…]