Macroeconomic Policy Perspectives Conference: “Banking, Regulation and Macroeconomic Outcomes”

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CfP Deadline:

May 30, 2024

Conference Event:

October 17-18, 2024

Event Location:

Minneapolis, United States


Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Stanford University
University of Chicago


We are pleased to announce a new joint initiative between the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, the University of Chicago, and Stanford University on “Macroeconomic Policy Perspectives” which strives to bring together, in a yearly conference, researchers in various fields of economics to address current policy challenges. The first conference will be hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis on October 17-18, 2024, the 2025 conference will be hosted by the University of Chicago, and the 2026 conference by Stanford University. Each conference will include academic presentations and a policy panel with leading experts in the field. The topic of the inaugural conference will be on: “Banking, Regulation and Macroeconomic Outcomes”.

Papers presented at the conference will undergo a standard peer-review process and, if accepted, will be included in a special volume of Journal Political Economy (JPE) Macroeconomics.

The conference brings together researchers that will advance our understanding of the sources and macroeconomic consequences of banking fragility, and contribute to addressing the challenges for financial regulation. A decade after the adoption of widespread regulatory changes in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, the banking system in the United States and abroad remains vulnerable to sudden disruptions, as experienced during the recent turmoil of March 2023. In this context, many questions remain on whether the current regulatory landscape is appropriate to ensure a resilient financial system. We welcome papers addressing a wide range oftopics related to the macroeconomic impacts of banking and regulation, including but not limited to:

  • Banking fragility and macroeconomic linkages
  • Coordination failures and self-fulfilling runs
  • Optimal design of macroprudential regulation
  • Central bank policies such as lender of last resort and quantitative easing
  • Dynamic quantitative models of banks in general equilibrium
  • Empirical assessments of the impact of regulatory changes
  • Monetary policy and financial stability
  • Banks’ risk management, including interest rate and liquidity risks
  • Systemic risk and interconnectedness
  • Interlinkages between banking crises and sovereign debt crises
  • Political economy aspects of banking regulation
  • Cross-border banking and international regulatory cooperation
  • International spillovers of financial shocks
  • Digital currencies, financial innovations, and the implications for financial stability

The conference organizers welcome submissions of both empirical and theoretical research.


  • Please submit an electronic version of the paper in PDF using the form on There is no charge for submissions.The deadline for submissions is May 30, 2024.
  • A submitted paper must not be under review at another journal or at JPE
  • Submissions will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee. Paper selection will
    be finalized, and accepted authors notified, by the end of June 2024.
  • Authors will have to send a draft of their paper to discussants and conference organizers
    by September 15, 2024, and will have to submit their paper to JPE Macro by January 31st, 2025.
    Accepted papers will be published in the December 2025 issue of JPE Macro.


Macroeconomic Policy Perspectives Conference: “Banking, Regulation and Macroeconomic Outcomes”