Conference on Corporate Governance

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Stockholm, Sweden Map

CfP Deadline:

March 31, 2024

Conference Event:

August 27-28, 2024

Event Location:

Stockholm, Sweden


Stockholm School of Economics

Keynote Speaker(s):

Wei Jiang (Emory University)
Luigi Zingales (University of Chicago)


Several long-term trends challenge the governance of public companies, including the rise of passive institutions, the ongoing globalization of stock markets, and a decreasing number of public firms due to fewer IPOs and more delistings. Perhaps most dramatically, corporations are asked to engage more with political issues (e.g., disengaging from doing business in certain countries) and to take increasing responsibility for stakeholder groups other than shareholders.  

The first conference day will feature keynote presentations and panels with leading scholars and practitioners. The second day will feature presentations of recent corporate governance research. We solicit paper submissions on corporate-governance related topics, such as (but not limited to):  

  • Financial performance and corporate governance 
  • Innovation, ESG and other non-financial effects of governance  
  • Private vs public company governance 
  • The impact of rising passive institutional ownership 
  • Boards and governance 
  • Impact and reform potential of governance standards, fiduciary duties, and legal rules  
  • International capital flows, globalization and corporate governance 


Please submit papers and direct questions to
The submission deadline is May 20th, 2024.

Please submit your paper to: no later than March 31, 2024, 23:59 PST. We expect to notify authors on the acceptance of papers by the end of April. Travel and accommodation expenses for participating authors are covered. There is no submission fee. 


Conference on Corporate Governance