6th Shanghai-Edinburgh-London Green Finance Conference and the BAR Special Issue

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CfP Deadline Date:
April 10, 2022

Conference Event:
May 29, 2022

Event Location:
Shanghai and online

Keynote speaker(s):

  • Alex Edmans (London Business School)
  • Douglas Cumming (Florida Atlantic University)

University of Edinburgh Business School, UK, Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction at University College London, UK, and Shanghai Institute of International Finance Centre, SUFE, China

Following the success of the conference series since 2017, the University of Edinburgh Business School, University College London, and Shanghai Institute of International Finance Center (SIIFC) at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics are organizing the 6th Shanghai Green Finance Conference online on 29 May 2022. The objective is to present top-quality theoretical and empirical academic research on green and climate finance. There is no registration fee for speakers. This conference also includes a high-profile forum that brings together key policymakers, top professionals, media, and academics.

The committee welcomes studies that provide cutting-edge insights into current research work. Specific topics and research questions can include but are not limited to the interplay between climate, environment and corporate finance, corporate social responsibility, capital markets, corporate governance, carbon market, entrepreneurial finance, fintech, financial development, household finance, law, and finance as well as other related topics on green and climate finance.

Further Information:

PUBLICATION OPPORTUNITIES: The British Accounting Review will publish a special issue on green finance. The BAR is a well-established international journal that publishes original scholarly papers across the whole spectrum of accounting and finance (http://ees.elsevier.com/bar/). BAR’s 2020 CiteScore (7) and Impact Factor (5.577) rank BAR top 2 and 3 respectively among accounting journals as well as 7 in accounting and finance. It’s rated A* in ABDC Journal Quality Guide. (Link: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/the-british-accounting-review/)

In the submission, authors should indicate if they wish their paper to be considered for publication in a special issue of British Accounting Review (BAR). This is a “no-fault” submission option: if the submission is not accepted in the conference, the authors can still submit it to a regular issue of the journal at a later date as if it were never submitted. Acceptance in the conference does not guarantee final publication. All submissions are subject to the normal review process.

In consultation with the editors of the British Journal of Management (BJM), the conference organisers encourage conference papers to be submitted to the journal if they fit the scope. The BJM provides a valuable outlet for research and scholarship on management-orientated themes and topics. Conference papers submitted to the BJM will go through the regular reviewing process. The BJM has an Impact Score of 6.567 and is rated Grade-4 in ABS Journal Quality Guide.

Extended abstracts or full papers are to be submitted to:
Email: green_finance@163.com
Please put “6th Shanghai-Edinburgh-London Green Finance Conference” in the subject line and indicate whether you would like the submission to be considered by the British Accounting Review special issue.

Submission Deadline: 10 April 2022
Authors will be notified by 20 April 2022
Virtual Conference: 29 May 2022

Link CfP and Conference: 6th Shanghai-Edinburgh-London Green Finance Conference and the BAR Special Issue