CfP Deadline Date: September 1, 2018
Conference Event: December 10-11, 2018
Event Location: Cass Business School, London, GB
Keynote Speaker(s): David Miles (Imperial College London)
Organizer(s): Cass Business School
Launched in 2009, the Emerging Scholars in Banking and Finance conference provides an opportunity for
young academics engaged in theoretical, empirical and policy relevant research to showcase their work
and benefit from in-depth discussion with top finance scholars. The programme committee invites
submissions of high-quality and unpublished theoretical and empirical research papers from “emerging
scholars” (i.e. within 3 years of completion of their PhDs) addressing contemporary issues in financial
markets and institutions.
Completed papers in PDF format should be submitted to:
Submission deadline: 1st September 2018
Authors will be notified by: 28th September 2018
Publication Workshop: Prof. Thorsten Beck will chair a 1-hour panel session on publishing in top finance
Link CfP: 6th Emerging Scholars in Banking and Finance Conference