4th Chapman Conference on Money and Finance

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Chapman University, University Drive, Orange, Orange County, California, 92866, USA Map

CfP Deadline Date:
March 1, 2019
Conference Event:
September 6-7, 2019

Event Location:
Chapman University, Orange, CA
Keynote Speaker(s):
Chapman University

The conference highlights recent developments in research on liquidity and implications for asset and liability management, financial stability and regulation.

Liquidity is a fluid concept but often taken for granted in the theory of finance. There is no generally accepted theory for pricing of liquidity as there is for the pricing of risk. Although banks have always been concerned with liquidity management, the financial crisis revealed that there is a great gap in our understanding of what factors affect liquidity for specific securities, financial institutions and the financial system as a whole. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has developed requirements with respect to holdings of liquid assets as well as stable sources of funding. Critics have questioned the value of such fixed ratio requirements for the prevention of runs on financial institutions and the sudden disappearance of activity in markets for securities.

Without trying to be exhaustive a selection of papers and presentations within the following or related topic areas will be invited:
Sources of (Il)Liquidity; Fundamentals and behavioral factors
Pricing and Management
(Il)Liquidity in Crises; Transmission and Contagion
Economic Policy; Basel and Central Banks

Please email a draft of paper to Clas Wihlborg, wihlborg@chapman.edu, not later than March 1, 2019.

Travel expenses and hotel will be covered for one author of each accepted paper.

Programs for previous conferences can be seen on https://www.chapman.edu/business/faculty-research/srofsc.aspx

Further Information

Link CfP:
4th Chapman Conference on Money and Finance

Link Conference:
4th Chapman Conference on Money and Finance