24th Annual Bank Research Conference

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CfP Deadline:

April 21, 2025

Conference Event:

September 25-26, 2025

Event Location:

Arlington, Virginia, United States


FDIC’s Center for Financial Research


The FDIC’s Center for Financial Research invites submissions for the 24th Annual Bank Research Conference to be held on September 25 and 26, 2025 in Arlington, Virginia.

We invite theoretical and empirical papers on issues related to financial regulation, competition and performance in the banking and financial sectors, financial stability, bank and nonbank financial intermediation, bank capital, and risk management. We also invite submissions on topics, including, but not limited to:

  • Regulatory reform options and considerations
  • Banking amid fluctuating interest rates
  • Crypto-Assets
  • Deposit insurance and stability
  • Emerging financial risks
  • AI and technology in finance

Poster Session

We invite graduate students to submit theoretical and empirical papers on issues related to financial regulation, competition and performance in the banking and financial sectors, financial stability, bank and nonbank financial intermediation, bank capital, and risk management. We also invite submissions on the above topics.

The poster session provides a forum to stimulate the exchange of ideas. Poster proposals will be selected for presentation based on reviews by FDIC economists and the Organizing Committee. Papers from selected posters may be invited for submission to the FDIC Center for Financial Research Working Paper Series.

Posters will be printed on large-format poster boards and displayed in the reception area during conference breaks. Poster presenters will also record a five-minute video presentation of the paper that will be played in the main hall before panel sessions. 


Papers will be selected for presentation based on reviews by FDIC economists and the Organizing Committee, with final selections made by external reviewers.

Submissions for the poster session should include a complete draft of the paper. Submissions may have senior coauthors, but the presenter must be a Ph.D. student.

All papers must be received by April 21, 2025. Authors will be notified about the status of their papers in July 2025.

To submit a paper, please click here.
To submit a paper for the poster session, please click here.

For additional information, please contact Troy Kravitz or Alex Ufier at BankResearchConference@fdic.gov.


FDIC: 24th Annual Bank Research Conference