Swedish House of Finance conference on “Consumer Behavior In Financial Markets” – Updated Invitation

CfP Deadline Date: April 30, 2020 Conference Event: August 24-25, 2020 Event Location: Stockholm, Sweden or Online (Webcasted Presentations) Keynote speaker(s): Annamaria Lusardi (George Washington University), Olivia Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania), Terrance Odean (University of California at Berkeley) and Luis Viceira (Harvard University) Organizer(s): Swedish House of Finance (SHoF) The Swedish House of Finance (SHoF)[…]

A Special Conference by the Finance Theory Group: Bridging Theory and Empirical Research in Finance

CfP Deadline Date: March 15, 2020 Conference Event: June 30 -July 1, 2020 postponed, dates t.b.a. Event Location: New York City, USA Organizer(s): Finance Theory Group (FTG) and Finance Division, Columbia Business School The goal of this special FTG conference, hosted by Columbia Business School, is to bridge theory and empirical research in finance by[…]

ISAFE International Conference in Financial Economics (ISAFE-2020)

CfP Deadline Date: April 30, 2020 Conference Event: July 9-11, 2020 Event Location: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Organizer(s): International Society for the Advancement of Financial Economics (ISAFE) and Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City This three-day conference, hosted by the Banking University HCMC, aims to bring together academics, researchers, practitioners and policymakers sharing[…]

ISAFE International Conference in Financial Economics (ISAFE-2020)

CfP Deadline Date: April 30, 2020 Conference Event: July 9-11, 2020 Event Location: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Organizer(s): International Society for the Advancement of Financial Economics (ISAFE) and Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City This three-day conference, hosted by the Banking University HCMC, aims to bring together academics, researchers, practitioners and policymakers sharing[…]

19th International Conference CREDIT: Environmental, Social and Governance Risks

COVID-19 update: the CREDIT 2020 Conference is both onsite and online but we are ready to move the conference remotely, if necessary. CfP Deadline Date: May 31, 2020 Conference Event: September 24-25, 2020 Event Location: Venice, Italy Organizer(s): Department of Economics of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, ABI – Italian Banking Association, AIAF –[…]

EBA Staff Working Paper: Potential Regulatory Obstacles to Cross-Border Merges and Acquisitions in the EU Banking Sector

Author(s): Anna Gardella, Massimiliano Rimarchi and Davide Stroppa Date: February 2020 Abstract: Over the past decade, cross-border merger and acquisition(M&A)activity in the EU banking sector has remained far below its pre-crisis levels, despite the regulatory reforms implemented after the financial crisis. While the EU equipped itself with the Single Rulebook, convergent supervisory practices, a common crisis[…]

Evaluating financial regulation: (un)intended effects and new risks

CfP Deadline Date: November 13, 2021 Conference Event: April 20-21, 2021 Event Location: Frankfurt, Germany Keynote speaker(s): Pablo Hernández de Cos (Governor, Bank of Spain and Chairman of the Basel Committee) Elena Carletti (Bocconi University and CEPR) Organizer(s): Research Task Force of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Deutsche Bundesbank and the Centre for Economic[…]

CEPR Working Paper: Dollar borrowing, firm-characteristics, and FX-hedged funding opportunities

Author(s): Leonardo Gambacorta, Sergio Mayordomo and Jose-Maria Serena Garralda Date: February 2020 Abstract: We explore the link between firms’ dollar bond borrowing and their FX-hedged funding opportunities, as reflected in a positive corporate basis (the relative cost of local to synthetic currency borrowing). Consistent with previous research, we first document that firms substitute domestic for dollar[…]