Swedish Community for Sustainable Finance Conference 2024

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CfP Deadline:

February 18, 2024

Conference Event:

April 25-26, 2024

Event Location:

Gothenburg, Sweden


Dr Ylva Baeckström, King’s College London
Dr Viktor Elliot, University of Gothenburg

Keynote Speaker(s):

Professor Claudia Girardone (Dean of Essex Business School, University of Essex)
Professor Rosie Campbell (Director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, King’s College London)


In an era where the global financial landscape is undergoing rapid transformation, promoting inclusion and diversity is imperative to ensure the sustainability and resilience of the financial sector. Diversity of thought and perspectives are catalysts for innovation and sound decision-making, which, in turn, fosters a more sustainable financial ecosystem. In recognition of these critical issues, we are delighted to announce the Conference on Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability in the Financial System.

The conference is actively seeking papers on the theme ‘Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability in the Financial System’. The theme considers how the financial services industry has the potential to be a fundamental vehicle to promote sustainable business strategies for the future and function as a role model for other actors. This includes but is not limited to those who are employed in or who are consumers of financial services, financial services firms, related businesses and policy makers. We invite academics, practitioners, and policymakers to submit original research papers and case studies on the following topics, although submissions on other areas relating to the conference theme are also welcome: 

  • Diversity and Inclusion in Finance: Exploring the state of diversity and inclusion in the financial system, including but not limited to gender diversity (senior representation and pay gap), ethnic and cultural diversity and diversity of perspectives
  • Inclusive Leadership in Finance: Analysing the impact of inclusive leadership practices and the development of inclusive cultures within financial services institutions or related industries. 
  • Impact of Inclusion on Financial Performance: Assessing how diversity and inclusion policies influence financial performance and risk management. 
  • Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability in the Financial System: Examining the potential synergy between inclusion and diversity initiatives and sustainability goals within the financial sector. 
  • Regulatory and Policy Frameworks: Evaluating the role of regulation and policy making in promoting diversity, inclusion and sustainability in finance. 
  • Financial Innovation for Sustainability: Investigating innovative financial products, services, and technologies (Fintech) designed to promote sustainability and inclusion. 
  • Individual and corporate investment and funding decision making in relation to sustainability (Environmental, social and governance, ’ESG’), channeling funds and investments towards sustainable projects; integration of sustainability into financial firm practices. 


You are invited to submit extended abstracts, papers in progress or full papers by Friday 9 February 2024. You will be informed of the decision by end of February 2024. Submissions from PhD students are also welcome. All submissions will undergo a peer-review process. Authors of accepted papers are expected to act as a discussant and or session chair. Please email your submission in PDF to: toscsf@handels.gu.se
Kindly submit one manuscript with full author details and an anonymised version.

Auothors of selected papers from the conference will have the opportunity to be invited to submit their paper for a special issue in the European Journal of Finance. This special issue will focus on the interplay between diversity, inclusion and sustainability in the financial system. Participation in the conference is not mandatory for submissions to the special issue. A call for papers will be sent to participants after the conference and will also be publicised by EJF. The opening and closing dates for the special issue will allow interested authors ample to revise papers after presentations at the conference. 


Swedish Community for Sustainable Finance Conference 2024