KWC/SNEE Conference on Sustainable Finance

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CfP Deadline Date:
August 7, 2022

Conference Event:
September 29-30, 2022

Event Location:
Lund, Sweden

Keynote speaker(s):

  • Stefano Battiston (University of Zurich)

Knut Wicksell Centre for Financial Studies (KWC) at Lund University, and the Swedish Network for European Studies in Economics (SNEE)

BACKGROUND AND TOPICS: Preventing climate change is one of the largest global challenges requiring extensive actions by both firms and policy makers. This will also require a substantial transformation of flows intermediated by the financial sector. Recent years have seen a rapid rise in the extent to which the financial industry evaluates assets on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. Yet, it is far from clear whether this mediates financial flows adequately and into the right channels. Moreover, global warming will impose novel challenges for financial actors and the interplay between regulators, investors, and corporate management. The KWC/SNEE Conference on Sustainable Finance aims to provide insights into these and other fundamental issues. The organizers welcome submissions on all aspects on sustainable finance, including but not limited to:

• Asset pricing consequences of climate change
• Greenwashing and ESG reporting under supranational regulations
• Climate change and financial stability
• Green monetary policy
• Climate-related risks in financial portfolios
• The role of voice vs. exit by investors on firms’ ESG-related policies
• Important channels for the propagation of corporate environmental policies

The conference program will run from lunch on Thursday, 29 September, until lunch on Friday, 30 September. There will be a conference dinner on Thursday evening.

Further Information:

PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Submit complete papers by August 7, 2022, to Authors will be notified of acceptance by August 23. Presenters of accepted papers should be prepared to act as discussants during the conference. There is no participation or submission fee.

LOCATION AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The conference is held in Lund – a small, historic university city in southern Sweden, located a 35-minute train ride from Copenhagen Airport. Updated information about the conference will be posted on For additional enquiries please contact us at

Link CfP & Conference: KWC/SNEE Conference on Sustainable Finance