Economics Winter Workshop

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CfP Deadline:

September 30, 2023

Conference Event:

December 21, 2023

Event Location:

Dublin, Ireland


Central Bank of Ireland

Keynote Speakers:

Kevin O’Rourke (NYU Abu Dhabi)


Central Bank of Ireland will host the inaugural “Economics Winter Workshop” in Dublin on 21 December 2023. We aim to provide an annual forum for economists, both domestic and foreign-based, to connect and discuss current issues within our Research Agenda. This covers a wide range of topics, including many new as well as long-standing issues relevant to small open economies with complex financial systems. Such engagement enhances the quality of our policy decisions and advice, through the creation of networks that foster collaboration and facilitate challenge. 

We will select approximately five to eight papers, with a discussant for each to facilitate wider participation. Selection will balance seniority and topic, aiming for a diverse representation. While it is expected participants will cover their own costs, there is some funding available upon application. The event will also feature a keynote lecture by Kevin O’Rourke and a policy panel with Philip Lane, Martina Lawless, Niamh Moloney and Michael McMahon. 


Economics Winter Workshop – Call for Papers