2022 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank ResearchAssociation (CEBRA)

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CfP Deadline Date:
April 1, 2022

Conference Event:
August 29-31, 2022

Event Location:
Barcelona, Spain

Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA), Banco de España, the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE), and the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research “Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe” (SAFE)

The 2022 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association will take place in person on 29-31 August 2022, at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Ciutadella Campus, Barcelona, Spain. The meeting is co-organised with the Banco de España, the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE) and the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research “Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe” (SAFE).

The annual meeting will commence on Monday, 29 August 2022, 08:30 a.m. (CET) with welcoming remarks followed by the first of six parallel sessions which feature 33 contributed sessions in total, covering a wide variety of policy-relevant topics. The afternoon of the 29 August will showcase a stimulating high-level policy discussion comprising of several eminent economists including Jordi Galí (Center for Research in International Economics / Universitat Pompeu Fabra / Barcelona School of Economics), who will chair the session. The main conference will continue on Tuesday, 30 August and includes a further three parallel sessions, the CEBRA annual assembly and a closing reception hosted by the Banco de España and featuring a keynote address by Governor Hernández de Cos.

The core program of the annual meeting officially ends on Tuesday, 30 August but an optional third day is tentatively planned for Wednesday, 31 August and further details will be posted on the CEBRA website once confirmed.

Submissions to CEBRA’s 2022 Annual Meeting are being sought on the below list of themes:

  • Payments and Innovation (16)
  • Inflation Process and Policy (78)
  • Monetary Policy, Frameworks and Communication (914)
  • Climate Change and Sustainable Finance (1517)
  • Firm Heterogeneity, Big Tech and the Macroeconomy (1823)
  • Banking, Macro Policy and Financial Stability (2427)
  • International Finance and Macroeconomics (2833)

Further Information:

Submission link: CEBRA Annual Meeting 2022 Submission Portal

  • The deadline for submissions is Friday 01 April. Authors of accepted papers will be
    notified by Monday 02 May. Please address any questions on the submission portal
    Daniela Dimitrova.
  • Each member of CEBRA can submit and present one paper only. Membership of
    is free.
  • Each paper can only be submitted once for three sessions. Papers will be considered
    by multiple session committees. In case a paper is selected in two or more sessions, it
    will be presented in the session with higher priority for its author.
  • Researchers who currently do not have a paper ready for submission are highly
    encouraged to volunteer as a discussant (also via the submission portal).
  • There is no registration fee for active participants (committee members, presenters
    and discussants). Further information regarding the registration process will be
    announced in due course

Link CfP &
Conference: 2022 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA)