Inflation and Business Cycle Dynamics in Open Economies

CfP Deadline Date: May 14, 2021 Conference Event: October 7-8, 2021 Event Location: Online Keynote speaker(s): Maurice Obstfeld (U.C. Berkeley) Silvana Tenreyro (London School of Economics) Organizer(s): Federal Reserve Bank New York The recent Covid-19 pandemic and resulting economic crisis highlighted the potentially fragile nature of globalization when confronted by a large shock. While the[…]

20th Annual Bank Research Conference

CfP Deadline Date: June 28, 2021 Conference Event: December 2-3, 2021 Event Location: Arlington, VA, USA Organizer(s): FDIC and the Journal of Financial Services Research The FDIC’s Center for Financial Research and the Journal of Financial Services Research (JFSR) invite submissions for the 20th Annual Bank Research Conference to be held in Arlington, Virginia on[…]

2021 CESifo Area Conference on Macro, Money, and International Finance

CfP Deadline Date: June 8, 2021 Conference Event: July 22-23, 2021 Event Location: Online Keynote speaker(s): Thomas Sargent (NYU) Organizer(s): CESifo CESifo invites submissions to the 2021CESifoArea Conference on Macro, Money, and International Finance. The purpose of this event is to bring together researchers who are working in the areas of macroeconomics and money to[…]

20th GRETA Conference on Credit Risk Evaluation

CfP Deadline Date: May 31, 2021 Conference Event: September 23-24, 2021 Event Location: Venice, Italy Keynote speaker(s): Vittoria Colizza (INSERM, France) Robert Engle (Stern Business School, New York University) Roberto Rigobon (MIT Sloan School of Management) Organizer(s): Gruppi di Ricerca Economica Teorica e Applicata (GRETA) The Conference will bring together academics, practitioners and PhD students working in[…]

SHoF Conference on Money Markets in a New Era of Central Bank Policies

CfP Deadline Date: April 15, 2021 Conference Event: August 23-24, 2021 Event Location: Stockholm, Sweden Keynote speaker(s): Darrell Duffie (Stanford University) Monika Piazzesi (Stanford University) Imène Rahmouni-Rousseau (European Central Bank) Hyunsong Shin (Bank for International Settlements) Organizer(s): The Swedish House of Finance (SHoF) Throughout the 2008-2009 financial crisis and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, central banks[…]

April 2021: New IMF Global Financial Stability Report – Preempting a Legacy of Vulnerabilities

By the International Monetary Fund Extraordinary policy measures have eased financial conditions and supported the economy, helping to contain financial stability risks. But actions taken during the pandemic may have unintended consequences such as stretched valuations and rising financial vulnerabilities. The recovery is expected to be asynchronous and divergent between advanced and emerging market economies.[…]

April 2021: New IMF World Economic Outlook – Managing Divergent Recoveries

By the International Monetary Fund Global prospects remain highly uncertain one year into the pandemic. New virus mutations and the accumulating human toll raise concerns, even as growing vaccine coverage lifts sentiment. Economic recoveries are diverging across countries and sectors, reflecting variation in pandemic-induced disruptions and the extent of policy support. The outlook depends not[…]

March 2021: New BIS Bulletin – Liquidity to solvency: transition cancelled or postponed?

By Ryan Niladri Banerjee, Joseph Noss and Jose María Vidal Pastor Key takeaways Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, a “bankruptcy gap” has emerged between measures of expected and realised bankruptcies globally. The ample supply of credit to make up for short-term losses has been an important factor decoupling bankruptcies from the sharp reduction[…]

April 2021: Central Banking Award for Economic Research – Economics in central banking: ‘Patterns in invoicing currency in global trade’

By Emine Boz, Camila Casas, Georgios Georgiadis, Gita Gopinath, Helena Le Mezo, Arnaud Mehl and Tra Nguyen Authors Emine Boz, Camila Casas, Georgios Georgiadis, Gita Gopinath, Helena Le Mezo, Arnaud Mehl and Tra Nguyen conducted an extensive data-gathering exercise to build the world’s most complete database on trade invoicing. As well as filling an empirical[…]