2019 Marstrand Finance Conference

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Hamngatan, Marstrand, Kungälv, Västra Götaland County, Region Götaland, 440 30, Sweden Map

CfP Deadline Date: December 15, 2018
Conference Event: June 8-10, 2019

Event Location: Marstrand Island, Sweden
Keynote Speaker(s): tba
Organizer(s): University of Gothenburg

We are pleased to announce that the second Marstrand Finance Conference will be held on Marstrand Island, Swedish west coast archipelago, June 8-10, 2019. Papers in all areas of finance are invited for consideration for presentation at the conference. The conference will bring together researchers to facilitate the discussion and development of new ideas in any field of finance in a stimulating and relaxing environment. The conference is co-sponsored by the Centre for Finance, University of Gothenburg.

Marstrand is well renowned for its sailing. Conference participants will have the opportunity to enjoy the superb sailing facilities offered by the island. Paper presentations will be in the morning and in the evening, with the rest of the day free for sailing and other social interaction.

We encourage presentations of research at an early stage where presenters will benefit most from open and informal discussion. More developed papers will be considered as well, with preference for papers that have not previously been presented at major conferences.

The submission deadline is December 15, 2018. Participants will be informed by January 31, 2019. A pdf copy of the paper may be e-mailed to: cff@cff.gu.se

Link CfP: 2019 Marstrand Finance Conference