1st Annual BEAR Conference: The Monetary Toolkit

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CfP Deadline Date:
November 15, 2021

Conference Event:
February 24-25, 2022

Event Location:
London, United Kingdom

Keynote speaker(s):

  • Arvind Krishnamurthy (Stanford)
  • Gauti Eggertsson (Brown)

Bank of England

We are organising a conference on the Monetary Toolkit theme of the Bank of England Agenda for Research (BEAR). The aim of the conference is to promote BEAR with researchers in academia, other central banks and international institutions, and to foster discussion and collaboration with our researchers.

The conference will consist of academic presentations as well as high-level policy discussions led by:

Tobias Adrian (IMF)
Ben Broadbent (Bank of England)
Mary Daly (FRBSF)
Isabel Schnabel (ECB)
Minouche Shafik (LSE)

Further Information:

We invite theoretical and applied submissions on monetary policy instruments, and on the new strategy questions that monetary policymakers are facing.

Submissions related to the following topics are especially encouraged:

  • Monetary/Fiscal Policy interaction, including in light of recent international experiences
  • Transmission mechanism of central banks asset purchases (including state-dependence), how effective are they and how have they evolved over time
  • Interaction between asset purchases, effective lower bounds, and market functioning
  • Tools for central banks to provide funding, lending, and liquidity support beyond the banking sector
  • Implications of negative policy rates, especially on lending and banking channels
  • Effects of normalisation of unconventional policies, and optimal “new normal” for monetary policy, including optimal mix of different policy tools

Submission Deadline: 15 November 2021

Submission Guidelines: Full papers should be submitted to BearConference@bankofengland.co.uk. Authors of successful submissions will be notified by 15 December 2021.

Registration Deadline: 1 February 2022

Link CfP and Conference: 1st Annual BEAR Conference: The Monetary Toolkit