15th Annual Conference Behavioural Finance Working Group

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CfP Deadline Date:
January 28, 2022

Conference Event:
June 9-10, 2022

Event Location:
London, UK

Keynote speaker(s):

Prof. Lauren Cohen (Harvard Business School, Editor of Review of Financial Studies)

Queen Mary University of London, UK and Cardiff University, UK

Conference Theme: Networks and Social Connections in Finance

The Behavioural Finance Working Group (BFWG) conference is a two-day meeting, jointly organized by the BFWG and Queen Mary, University of London, UK. It examines a wide range of behavioural finance topics, ranging between financial decision making and biases, herding, corporate finance, fund management, asset pricing, financial forecasting, volatility, and market sentiment.

We particularly welcome submissions related to social finance, the impact of networks and relationships in finance, the role of social media and sentiment, social and cultural effects among others. However, as usual, we will consider papers in all areas of common concern to those working in behavioural finance and related areas.

The Conference features a dedicated PhD sessions supported by ICAEW’s Charitable Trusts and a Practitioner’s Round Table.

SPECIAL ISSUES: Accepted papers may be invited to a special issue of the International Review of Economics and Finance, and the Review of Behavioural Finance. Further information about the submission process will be shared during the conference.

International Review of Economics and Finance: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/international-review-of-economics-and-finance

Review of Behavioural Finance: https://www.emeraldinsight.com/loi/rbf

Further Information:

BEST PAPER AWARDS: Two best paper awards will be given for papers presented at the conference. Review of Behavioural Finance will give a Best Quantitative Paper Award and the Qualitative Research in Financial Markets will give a Best Qualitative Paper award.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: We invite you to submit extended abstracts, papers-in-progress or full papers by Friday 28 January 2022. The organisers will come back with a decision within two weeks after this deadline.

PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: To submit a paper or extended abstract for consideration visit the following link https://www.qmul.ac.uk/busman/research/research-centres/behavioural-finance-working-group/bfwg-call-for-papers/.

If you are having issues uploading your document, please email a PDF version of the manuscript to bfwg@qmul.ac.uk

Extended abstracts, papers-in-progress or full papers will be considered for the conference program with the understanding that they will be finished by the time of the conference.

Registration: Early bird registration fee £200 by Friday 8 April 2022, standard registration fee £300 after. Register via the following link: https://eshop.qmul.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/conferences-events/conferences-events/behavioural-finance-working-group-2022

Fee waivers are available for PhD students. Visit the registration link to apply.

Early submissions are encouraged!

Link CfP & Conference: 15th Annual Conference Behavioural Finance Working Group