HEC-CEPR Macro-Finance Conference: Banking, Finance, Macroeconomics and the Real Economy

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CfP Deadline Date:
October 22, 2021

Conference Event:
December 13-14, 2021

Event Location:
Paris, France

Keynote speaker(s):

  • Laura Veldkamp (Columbia University and CEPR)
  • Jaume Ventura (CREI, UPF, Barcelona GSE and CEPR)


Gaetano Gaballo, Eric Mengus, Jean-Edouard Colliard, Evren Ors, Tomasz Michalski and Irina Zviadadze

This conference aims to bring together experts to present and discuss new research bridging Macroeconomics and Finance with particular emphasis on monetary policy, financial stability and the real economy.

The conference will be held on 13-14 December 2021 at the HEC Paris campus. The conference is planned as an in-person event. Should travel restrictions bind by the time of the conference, we will allow speakers to participate on-line if needed.

The conference calls for papers covering, but not limited to:

  • Causes and effects of economic and financial crises
  • Macroeconomic models with financial frictions
  • Fiscal-monetary interactions and the resolution of the public and private sector debt overhang
  • Design and effectiveness of macroprudential policy and banking supervision
  • Systemic risk in the financial sector
  • International trade, financial integration and global production chains
  • Asset prices and economic fluctuations

Further Information:

The workshop organisation will be able to cover accommodation expenses for speakers. Limited funds for travel is also available upon request. Financial support from the LabEx grant ANR-11-IDEX-0003/LabEx ECODEC/ANR-11-LABX-0047 is kindly acknowledged.

Authors who are CEPR affiliated or already have a CEPR profile can upload their submission by:
1) Log in on the CEPR portal online at https://portal.cepr.org/
2) Go to https://portal.cepr.org/meetings/1345/info
3) Click on “Change registration details”, complete the requested information and click “Submit information”

Authors who are not CEPR affiliated or do not have a CEPR profile can:
1) Create a online profile here
2) Login to the CEPR portal
3) Go to https://portal.cepr.org/meetings/1345/info
4) Click on “Step 1: Apply” and complete the requested information and click “Register”

If you have any difficulties registering for this meeting please contact Mandy Chan, Senior Events Officer at  mchan@cepr.org.

The deadline for submissions is 22 October 2021.

Link CfP & Conference: Banking, Finance, Macroeconomics and the Real Economy