4th University of Oklahoma Energy and Climate Finance Research Conference

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CfP Deadline Date:
November 30, 2021

Conference Event:
April 22-23, 2022

Event Location:
Norman, Oklahoma, USA

Keynote speaker(s):
Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago), 2013 Nobel Laureate in Economics

University of Oklahoma’s Price College Center for Financial Studies and Review of Financial Studies 

The University of Oklahoma’s Price College Center for Financial Studies is organizing the fourth OU Energy
and Climate Finance Research Conference, to be held on the OU campus in Norman, Oklahoma on April 22
23, 2022. The conference is again cosponsored by the Review of Financial Studies under its dual review

Paper Submissions. The Conference will provide a venue for presentation of the very best academic
research on energy and climate/environmental finance, as well as on related topics. We solicit papers, both
theoretical and empirical, including but not limited to the following topics:

  • The Financial Economics of Energy and Environmental Sustainability
  • Assessing, Pricing and Managing Climate and Environmental Risk Exposures
  • Asset Pricing Implications of Climate Change
  • Capital Structure Dynamics and Payout Policies of Energy Companies
  • Climate Change and Corporate Financial Policies
  • Energy and Environmental Real Options
  • Energy and Commodity Risk Management
  • The Financial Economics of Fracking
  • The Financial Economics of Sustainable Electric Power
  • The Financial Economics of Energy Transmission and Storage
  • The Financialization of Energy and Commodity Markets
  • The Links between Energy/Commodities and Financial Markets
  • Financing Renewable and Emerging Technologies including Hydrogen and Carbon Sequestration
  • Carbon markets and Climate Derivatives
  • ESG Ratings and the Measurement and Disclosure of Environmental Performance
  • Natural Gas and LNG Financing and Markets
  • Oil Export Revenues and Sovereign Wealth Funds
  • Private Equity’s Role in Green Energy Finance
  • Privatization and Nationalization of National Oil, Gas, and Utility Resources
  • Renewable Energy and Electricity Price Risk
  • Taxation and Regulation of Energy Production

Further Information:

Conference Structure. About 12 papers will be accepted for presentation in plenary sessions over a day and onehalf. After the conference, participants will be invited to visit an energy facility in Oklahoma as a guest of the conference. Previous conference attendees visited working oil rigs and the oil transport and storage facilities at Cushing, Oklahoma. Cushing is the pricing hub of the NYMEX WTI crude oil futures contract.

Paper Submissions: Electronic submissions of unpublished papers can be made via the conference website: http://www.ou.edu/content/price/finance/energyfinanceconf.html. The deadline for submissions is November 30, 2021, and authors will be notified by February 10, 2022. We expect the selection process to be highly competitive.

Review of Financial Studies Combined Submission Option: At the authors’ option, papers submitted to the conference will, in addition, be considered for publication at the RFS free of charge. The rules for the dual submission process are as follows:

  1. Authors must expressly indicate interest in consideration by the RFS.
  2. At the discretion of the RFS Sponsoring Editor (Stefano Giglio), a small number of dual submissions will be invited to submit to the RFS. The RFS will waive the fee on such submissions, and have the submission formally reviewed. In these cases, authors will receive a copy of the RFS reviewer report(s).
  3. Papers submitted for dual consideration must not be under review at another journal or the RFS, nor can they be considered for dual submission if previously rejected by the RFS. Moreover, papers cannot be submitted for dual consideration if they are simultaneously under dual consideration at another journal sponsored by the Society for Financial Studies.
  4. In the event that a dual submission that has been invited to submit to the RFS is subsequently rejected, its authors have the option to submit a future version of their paper to the RFS without prejudice.
  5. While under consideration as a dual submission by the Energy and Climate Finance Research Conference and the RFS, a paper may not be submitted to another journal (or the RFS) until the author has been notified of the dual submission outcome.

Link CfP:
4th University of Oklahoma Energy and Climate Finance Research Conference – CfP

Link Conference: 4th University of Oklahoma Energy and Climate Finance Research Conference – Website