9th European System of Central Banks Day Ahead Conference

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Amsterdam, Netherlands Map

CfP Deadline Date:
February 15th, 2020

Conference Event:
August 28th, 2020

Event Location:
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The European System of Central Banks (ESCB)

The objective of the Day Ahead conference is to create an opportunity for
interaction among research economists within the ESCB, other central banks and academia; and to offer an outlet to present and discuss high-quality, policy-relevant research oriented towards banking, finance, and monetary economics.
We encourage the submission of theoretical or empirical research papers in, but not restricted to, the following topics:
– Financial intermediation
– Prudential regulation
– Monetary policy after the crisis
– Fintech, central banks and private money (crypto, stablecoins, CBDC)
– The interaction between monetary, prudential and fiscal policies.

Further Information:

The submission deadline for the Day Ahead Conference is Saturday, February 15th, 2020, and decisions will be communicated by mid of April.
Complete papers are preferred but extended abstracts may also be considered. Given equal quality, papers with at least one co-author from a central bank will be given priority. Please, submit a paper to

For any enquiries, please send an e-mail to Ebo_conferences@dnb.nl