CRC Working Paper: Financial Dollarization in Emerging Markets: Efficient Risk Sharing or Prescription for Disaster?

Author(s):Lawrence Christiano, Husnu Dalgic and Armen Nurbekyan Date:August 2021 Abstract: We present data that suggests financial dollarization is primarily a device for reallocating business cycle income risk between different people within emerging market economies, rather than across different countries. Although we identify sources of fragility in some aspects of dollarization, the common view that financial[…]

Midwest Finance Association 2022 Conference

CfP Deadline Date: October 10, 2021 Conference Event: March 10-12, 2022 Event Location: Chicago, IL, USA Keynote speaker(s): Thomas Philippon (NYU, Stern School of Business) Andrea Eisfeldt (UCLA Anderson School of Management) Organizer(s): Midwest Finance Association The Midwest Finance Association and Professor Manuel Adelino, 2022 program chair, invite submissions of research papers for their 2022[…]