CEPR Working Paper: Financing and Resolving Banking Groups

Author(s): Albert Banal-Estanol, Julian Kolm, Gyöngyi Lóránth Date: May 2021 Abstract: We study how bank resolution regimes affect investment. Banking groups create financing synergies by transferring excess financing capacity across units and lowering bankers’ agency rents. Single-point-of-entry (SPOE) resolution mutualizes losses, which permits ex-post efficient continuation of weaker units following negative shocks, but can prevent[…]

CEPR Working Paper: Monetary Policy Independence and the Strength of the Global Financial Cycle

Author(s): Christian Friedrich, Pierre Guerin and Danilo Leiva Date: May 2021 Abstract: We propose a new strength measure of the global financial cycle by estimating a regime-switching factor model on cross-border equity flows. We then assess how this measure affects monetary policy independence, defined as central banks’ responses to exogenous changes in inflation. We show[…]

CEPR Working Paper: Financial Architecture and Financial Stability

Author(s): Franklin Allen and Ansgar Walther Date: May 2021 Abstract: This paper studies the links between financial stability and the architecture of financial systems. We review the existing literature and provide organizing frameworks for analyzing three empirically important aspects of financial architecture: The rise of non-bank financial intermediaries, the regulatory response to these structural changes,[…]

International aspects of digital currencies and fintech

CfP Deadline Date: May 30, 2021 Conference Event: October 19-20, 2021 Event Location: Frankfurt, Germany Keynote speaker(s): Eswar Prasad (Cornell University) Tara Rice (Bank for International Settlements) Organizer(s): CEBRA and the ECB The Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA) is organising the fifth annual meeting of its International Finance and Macroeconomics Program jointly with the European[…]

June 2021: New VoxEU Column – Lower for longer – macroprudential policy issues arising from the low interest rate environment

by John Fell, Tuomas Peltonen and Richard Portes At the end of 2019 the European Systemic Risk Board General Board mandated a Task Force on Low Interest Rates to revisit the ESRB’s 2016 report on “Macroprudential policy issues arising from low interest rates and structural changes in the EU financial system”, assess subsequent developments, compare[…]