17th Annual Conference on Corporate Finance

CfP Deadline Date:June 20, 2020 Conference Event:October 30-31, 2020 Event Location:St. Louis, MO, USA Organizer(s):Olin Business School (Washington University) and Wells Fargo Advisors Center for Finance and Accounting Research (Washington University) Following the successes of the previous fourteen corporate finance conferences, Olin Business School at Washington University and its Wells Fargo Advisors Center for Finance[…]

IMF Working Paper: Effects of Macroprudential Policy: Evidence from Over 6,000 Estimates

Author(s):Juliana Dutra Araujo, Manasa Patnam, Adina Popescu, Fabian Valencia, and Weijia Yao Date:May 22, 2020 Abstract: This paper builds a novel database on the effects of macroprudential policy drawing from 58 empirical studies, comprising over 6,000 results on a wide range of instruments and outcome variables. It encompasses information on statistical significance, standardized magnitudes, and[…]

May 2020: New ECB Financial Stability Review

By the European Central Bank (ECB) The Financial Stability Review provides an overview of potential risks to financial stability in the euro area. It aims to promote awareness in the financial industry and among the public of euro area financial stability issues. It is published twice a year. Link: Financial Stability Review

33rd Australasian Finance Banking Conference (AFBC)

CfP Deadline Date:August 31, 2020 Conference Event:December 15-17, 2020 Event Location:Sydney, Australia Online Conference Keynote speaker(s): Organizer(s):Asian Development Bank, and the UNSW’s Institute of Global Finance and School of Banking and Finance This Special Issue aims to invite submissions of state-of-the-art, high-quality articles on topics related to The Way Forward for Banks during the Covid-19[…]