Systemic risks and policies to address them in non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI)

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CfP Deadline Date:
March 31, 2022

Conference Event:
June 8-9, 2022

Event Location:
Basel, Switzerland and online


Financial Stability Board (FSB)

The financial market turmoil in March 2020, brought about by the COVID-19 shock, underscored the need to strengthen resilience in the non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI) sector. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) is coordinating the international regulatory community’s assessment of identified vulnerabilities and the appropriate financial policy response, working closely with relevant standard setting bodies (SSBs).

This work involves:

  • assessing vulnerabilities in specific NBFI areas that may have contributed to the build[1]up of liquidity imbalances and the amplification of stress;
  • enhancing the understanding and ongoing monitoring of systemic risks in NBFI; and
  • developing policies to address such risks where appropriate, including by assessing

the adequacy of current policy tools and approaches given the desired level ofresilience for the sector. This conference will contribute to the FSB’s work to develop a systemic approach to NBFI. It will feature presentations of analytical work and research that advances the understanding of systemic risks in NBFI and specific policies and approaches that may be used to address them.

Topic of interest for the FSB and SSBs include:

  • How to measure interconnectedness (and the potential for the propagation of market
  • stress) within the NBFI sector as well as with banks and the real economy;
  • The drivers of liquidity imbalances in bond markets (demand and supply sides) and
  • their implications for systemic risk;
  • Data and analytical tools to enhance NBFI risk assessment and monitoring, including
  • tools to analyse the behaviour of complex systems (e.g. network theory);
  • The effects and policy implications of the extraordinary interventions by central banks
  • and other authorities to stabilise financial markets during the March 2020 turmoil; and
  • Policy tools and approaches that can be used by non-bank financial institutions and
  • regulatory authorities to address systemic risk.

Further Information:

Submission of papers
The deadline for submission is 31 March 2022. Draft papers should be sent to Authors of accepted papers will be notified by late-April 2022. Depending on COVID-19 developments, the conference may be held in a hybrid format, with some physical attendance in Basel. In such a case, the organisers will reimburse travel and accommodation expenses for speakers with accepted papers who would like to come to Basel for this conference. If a hybrid format is not feasible, the conference will be held virtually.

Link CfP & Conference: Systemic risks and policies to address them in non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI)