Conference Event:
October 14-15, 2021
Event Location:
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Racial inequalities have been an important long-standing issue around the world. To promote research on racial inequalities in the financial system, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta will host a virtual conference “Racial Inequality and Disparities in Financial Markets” on October 14 and 15, 2021, organized by Kristopher Gerardi (the Atlanta Fed), Bin Wei (the Atlanta Fed), and Feng Zhao (University of Texas at Dallas). The conference features six research papers that examine whether there is a disparate impact on different racial and/or gender groups in the areas of finance such as mortgage/auto lending, labor markets, and the academic profession.
The Atlanta Fed has organized several events to promote racial equity. For example, the Atlanta-Fed-Princeton conference on “Racial Justice and Finance” in September, 2020 and the recent “Racism and the Economy” series. This year’s inaugural annual conference “Racial Inequalities and Finance” is part of the continuing efforts on this important front.
Further Information:
PROGRAM: The conference’s program can be found at
REGISTRATION: If you are interested in attending the conference, please register at Registration is free and open to the public.
Link Conference: Racial Inequality and Disparities in Financial Markets Conference