NYU/NY Fed Summer Climate Finance research conference

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CfP Deadline:

February 28, 2024

Conference Event:

May 31, 2024

Event Location:

New York, United States


NYU Stern School of Business
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Keynote Speaker(s):

Stefano Giglio (Yale University)
Harrison Hong (Columbia University)


New York University and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York are jointly organizing the inaugural Summer Climate Finance conference, to be held on May 31, 2024, at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in New York City. The conference will be an in-person event, featuring keynote speeches by Stefano Giglio and Harrison Hong as well as paper presentations. The organizers welcome theoretical and empirical paper submissions that speak to key issues in climate finance, including but not limited to:

  • The impact of natural disasters or disaster mitigation attempts on economic output, financial stability, credit access, etc.
  • The impact of climate migration on economic output, household welfare, and consumption
  • The effects of green pledges on bank lending and aggregate economic output
  • The inflationary or macroeconomic effects of different carbon emission-mitigation techniques
  • The impact of biodiversity collapse on welfare and economic output
  • The pricing of climate risks across different asset classes


The deadline for paper submissions is February 28, 2024. Please submit papers to nyu.nyfed.climate@gmail.com with the subject line “Submission 2024.” Authors of accepted papers will be notified by March 31, 2024.

Travel funding is available for PhD students who are selected to present. Please indicate in your submission whether the presenter is a PhD student.


Call for Papers: Summer Climate Finance Conference