NEOMA Business School Conference on Sustainable Finance

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CfP Deadline Date:
February 28, 2022

Conference Event:
May 20, 2022

Event Location:
Paris, France

Keynote speaker(s):
Prof. Jean-Charles Rochet, University of Geneva and the Swiss Finance Institute

NEOMA Business School

The sustainable finance market has experienced exponential growth, reaching USD 2.3 trillion of sustainable debt outstanding at the end of September 2021 with USD 779 billion only in the first three quarters of 2021. Such explosion raises a lot of challenges and concerns regarding their real impact on the financial system and more broadly on our society, while our understanding is still far from enough.

Also, with the recently experienced disruptions of environmental, social and governance changes, financial markets have been subject to both the pressure to adapt to these changes, and the need to act on them for the future. This has reflected itself in the significant growth of sustainable securities and encouraging sustainable practices, with the common goal of doing well by doing good.

The “Finance for Good” sub-area of excellence of the World We Want Area of Excellence and the Finance Department of NEOMA Business School organize their first Conference on Sustainable Finance, to be held on the Paris campus on May 20, 2022. The Conference aims to share the current state-of–the-art in the understanding of sustainable finance. It will be an excellent opportunity to bring together renowned academics, in order to build a constructive dialogue on the relationship between ESG practices, issues and challenges, and how finance meets these aspects.

TOPICS: We welcome submissions of papers in all areas related to sustainable finance. Potential topics include but are not limited to:
– Socially responsible investing (SRI), ESG investing, and impact investing.
– Green finance, climate finance
– Responsible banking and lending
– Corporate social responsibility, corporate philanthropy
– Big data, FinTech and financial innovation for sustainability
– Regulation, disclosure and standardization, measurement issues related to sustainable finance

The Organizing Committee plans to hold the conference in-person. Should the situation evolve due to the pandemic, the conference will take a hybrid format, with simultaneous online sessions and a restricted number of in-person attendants.

Further Information:

May 20th, 2022
NEOMA Business School – Paris Campus – 6 Rue Vandrezanne, 75013, Paris – France

SUBMISSION PROCESS: Authors should submit their papers in a PDF format by February 28, 2022. The authors of accepted papers will be notified by March 25, 2022.

To submit, please send your completed paper to, with “Conference on sustainable finance” in the email subject.

Link CfP & Conference: NEOMA Business School Conference on Sustainable Finance