Inflation: Drivers and Dynamics 2022 Conference

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CfP Deadline Date:
May 27, 2022

Conference Event:
September 29-30, 2022

Event Location:
Cleveland, Ohio, USA and online

Keynote speaker(s):

  • Loretta J. Mester (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)
  • Philip R. Lane (ECB)

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s Center for Inflation Research and the European Central Bank

The Center for Inflation Research ( at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and the European Central Bank (ECB) will host the Inflation: Drivers and Dynamics 2022 Conference on September 29–30. The conference will be held in person in Cleveland, Ohio, and virtually in a hybrid format. It will bring together top researchers from academia, central banks, and other policy institutions to present research findings related to inflation.

TOPICS: Topics of interest include:
– monetary and fiscal policy and inflation dynamics, optimal inflation
– drivers of inflation expectations and their relationship with observed inflation
– impact of economic slack, input costs (including wages, intermediate inputs, commodity prices, and international components of costs), network effects and the COVID-19 pandemic on inflation dynamics
– micro-level price dynamics and implications for aggregate inflation
– inflation measurement
– structural determinants of inflation dynamics and trend inflation (including digitalization, globalization, and demographic change)

Further Information:

Authors interested in presenting their research related to inflation should submit their papers through Conference Maker: ( The deadline for submissions is Friday, May 27, 2022. Authors of accepted papers will be notified of acceptance by Friday, July 1, 2022. Presenters should plan to present in person. All papers presented at the conference will be posted on the websites of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and the ECB.

Papers that are accepted for presentation at the conference may also be considered for publication in a supplemental issue of the Journal of Monetary Economics on Inflation: Drivers and Dynamics.

FURTHER INFORMATION: If you should have any questions, please contact

In-person attendees will need to follow any relevant COVID-19 protocols for entry in place at the time of the conference

Link CfP & 
Conference: Inflation: Drivers and Dynamics 2022 Conference