CfP Deadline Date:
May 14, 2021
Conference Event:
October 7-8, 2021
Event Location:
Keynote speaker(s):
- Maurice Obstfeld (U.C. Berkeley)
- Silvana Tenreyro (London School of Economics)
Federal Reserve Bank New York
The recent Covid-19 pandemic and resulting economic crisis highlighted the potentially fragile nature of globalization when confronted by a large shock. While the ensuing lockdowns suppressed domestic economic activity, countries also suffered from international supply chain disruptions and capital flow volatility. As economies begin to recover with the vaccine rollout, a great deal of uncertainty exists about future economic growth and inflation. The potential asymmetric recoveries in the United States and other countries further complicates the analysis and may have implications for external adjustments, as well as the recovery paths of individual economies given financial and trade linkages. This conference seeks to further our understanding of the open economy dimensions of inflation and business cycle dynamics, in order to draw useful policy implications for the post-pandemic world.
The conference topics include, but by no means, are limited to:
- Micro and macro price dynamics in the open economy
- Exchange rate dynamics and pass-through
- Firms’ adjustment margins in the face of large shocks
- Business cycle comovement and with financial and/or trade linkages
- The impact of monetary and fiscal policies on macroeconomic interdependence
- Capital flows and emerging market volatility
- Global policy coordination
Further Information:
Submission deadline
May 14, 2021, e-mail:
Link CfP & Conference: Inflation and Business Cycle Dynamics in Open Economies