Federal Reserve Day-Ahead Conference on Financial Markets and Institutions

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CfP Deadline:

June 28, 2024

Conference Event:

January 2, 2024

Event Location:

San Francisco, United States


The 18th annual Day-Ahead Conference on Financial Markets and Institutions is an opportunity for productive interaction in advance of the 2025 ASSA meeting and the sharing of policy-relevant research among economists in the Federal Reserve System, at other central banks, and in academia. The meeting will be held in-person at the Head Office of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
The Day-Ahead organizing committee invites the submission of both theoretical and empirical research on domestic and international financial markets and institutions, particularly involving topics relevant to central bank mandates such as:

  • Effects of inflation on financial markets and institutions
  • Commercial real estate
  • Household finance and the transmission of monetary policy
  • Financial intermediation and bank runs
  • Financial stability and the conduct of monetary policy
  • Financial markets and the macroeconomy
  • Financial innovation and Artificial Intelligence
  • Functioning of money markets and central bank balance sheets
  • Interconnectedness of global financial markets
  • Supervision and regulation of financial institutions
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the financial sector
  • Digital currencies
  • Climate risks for financial institutions and markets


Please submit your paper by June 28, 2024, to 2025DayAheadConference@sf.frb.org. Completed drafts will be given a higher preference than abstracts. Among papers of similar quality, a paper with a coauthor from a central bank will be given preference.

If you have questions about the program, please contact an organizing committee member:
Joseph Abadi, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Jens Christensen, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Pablo D’Erasmo, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Diana Hancock, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Thomas Mertens, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Wayne Passmore, Federal Reserve Board of Governors