Conference on “Banking, insurance and financial stability”

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CfP Deadline:

September 29, 2024

Conference Event:

December 06, 2024

Event Location:

Rome, Italy


Bank of Italy
Italian Institute for insurance supervision (IVASS)

Keynote Speaker(s):

Andrew Ellul (Kelley School of Business, Indiana University)


The Bank of Italy and the Italian Institute for insurance supervision (IVASS) invite submissions for the international research conference on “Banking, insurance and financial stability”. The aim of the conference is to discuss new research from academic and other institutions on how evolving business models, increasing interconnections and technological developments in the banking and insurance industries may impact financial stability.

We seek to attract papers of the highest academic quality on topics that include, but are not limited
to, the following ones:

  • New methodologies, indicators and modelling approaches to identify financial stability risks deriving from the activity of banks and insurers and their interactions.
  • Financial stability implications of direct and indirect (e.g. through common asset holdings) interconnections across banks, insurance companies and other financial and non-financial firms. Benefits and risks for financial stability deriving from direct bank-insurance ties (i.e. “bancassurance”).
  • The ability of banks and insurers to absorb financial and real shocks and to play a stabilizing role in periods of financial turmoil and market dislocation. The impact of monetary policy tightening, heightened geopolitical and climate risks, and other shocks on banks and insurers’ liquidity risks, asset allocation and procyclicality.
  • Financial stability implications of digital technologies, in particular driven by customers’ easier access to financial services, financial entities’ better information processing, the enhanced use of data, and increasing competition from new players.
  • Evaluation of existing and new policy tools to address or mitigate potential financial stability risks raised by banks and insurers activities and their interconnections in an evolving macroeconomic and market context.


The deadline for paper submission is 23:59 (CET) Sunday, September 29, 2024. Authors should submit a complete paper in PDF format writing to
Decisions of acceptance by the Program committee will be announced by 15 October 2024.


Conference on Banking, Insurance and Financial Stability