Karsten Müller, Chenzi Xu, Mohamed Lehbib & Ziliang Chen
February 11, 2025
The Global Macro Database is an open-source, continuously updated dataset of macroeconomic statistics that unifies and extends existing resources. By harmonizing and integrating data from 32 major contemporary sources—including the IMF, World Bank, and OECD—with historical records from 78 additional datasets, we construct comprehensive annual time series for 46 variables across 243 countries. This database covers global macroeconomic trends from the origins of modern data collection to projected estimates for 2030. Using this extensive database, we study the long-run output losses of financial crises and global temperature shocks, two applications in which historical time series are a crucial input. Our findings show that financial crises are associated with statistically detectable contractions in real GDP for five decades into the future, which are considerably larger than previously estimated. Temperature shocks also predict real GDP contractions up to 30 years ahead, especially in emerging economies.