CEPR Discussion Paper – Intermediary Balance Sheet Constraints, Bond Mutual Funds’ Strategies, and Bond Returns

Mariassunta Giannetti, Jotikasthira Chotibhak, Andreas Rapp, Martin Waibel

July 2024


We show that after the introduction of the leverage ratio constraints on bank-affiliated dealers, bond mutual funds have engaged in more liquidity provision in investment-grade corporate bonds and that the performance of funds with liquidity-supplying strategies has benefited. Not only have regulations transferred profits associated with liquidity provision in the corporate bond market to mutual funds, but the liquidity and returns of investment-grade corporate bonds have become more exposed to redemptions from the bond mutual fund industry, suggesting that the regulations have made investment-grade corporate bonds more volatile. Accordingly, we observe that investment-grade corporate bonds that are more exposed to leverage ratio constraints experienced a more severe deterioration in liquidity and returns at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

CEPR Discussion Paper No 19250 – Intermediary Balance Sheet Constraints, Bond Mutual Funds’ Strategies, and Bond Returns