CEPR Discussion Paper – Overborrowing, Underborrowing, and Macroprudential Policy

Author(s):Fernando Arce, Julien Bengui, Javier Bianchi Date:July 2023 Abstract: In this paper, we revisit the scope for macroprudential policy in production economies with pecuniary externalities and collateral constraints. We study competitive equilibria and constrained-efficient equilibria and examine the extent to which the gap between the two depends on the production structure and the policy instruments[…]

SUERF Policy Brief – Insights into Credit Loss Rates: A Global Database

Author(s):Li Lian Ong, Christian Schmieder, Min Wei Date:June 2023 Abstract: Credit risk has played a significant role as a catalyst or key factor in many financial crises, including the great financial crisis. More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of potential bank credit losses to the private sector. However, there remains a significant gap[…]

NBER Working Paper – Monetary Policy Transmission Through Online Banks

Author(s):Isil Erel, Jack Liebersohn, Constantine Yannelis, Samuel Earnest Date:June 2023 Abstract: Financial technology has reshaped commercial banking. It has the potential to radically alter the transmission of monetary policy by lowering search costs and expanding bank markets. This paper studies the reaction of online banks to changes in federal fund rates. We find that these[…]

CEPR Discussion Paper – Central Bank Digital Currency and Financial Stability

Author(s):Toni Ahnert, Peter Hoffmann, Agnese Leonello, Davide Porcellacchia Date:June 2023 Abstract: What is the effect of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) on financial stability? We answer this question by studying a model of financial intermediation with an endogenously determined probability of a bank run and a remunerated CBDC that provides consumers with an alternative to[…]

CEPR Discussion Paper – Anticipated Financial Contagion

Author(s):Toni Ahnert, Gideon DuRand, Co-Pierre Georg Date:June 2023 Abstract: We examine the incidence of financial contagion, bank choices, welfare, and regulation when interconnected banks anticipate an aggregate liquidity shock. Revisiting the seminal paper of Allen and Gale (2000), interbank deposits allow banks to co-insure against regional liquidity shocks but can also lead to contagion—the mutual[…]

FEDS – Stressed Banks? Evidence from the Largest-Ever Supervisory Review

Author(s):Puriya Abbassi, Rajkamal Iyer, Jose-Luis Peydro, Paul E. Soto Date:April 2023 Abstract: We study short-term and medium-term changes in bank risk-taking as a result of supervision, and the associated real effects. For identification, we exploit the European Central Bank’s asset-quality-review (AQR) in conjunction with security and credit registers. After the AQR announcement, reviewed banks reduce[…]

Working Paper – Deposit Market Power and Bank Risk-Taking

Author(s):Ziang Li, Jihong Song Date:February 2023 Abstract: We document a novel fact about the cross-section of banks’ risk-taking behavior — banks with high deposit market power take on significantly less credit risk. In particular, the loan portfolios of high-market-power banks are much safer than those of low-market-power banks. This persistent relationship is not driven by[…]

NBER Working Paper – Specialization in Banking

Author(s):Kristian Blickle, Cecilia Parlatore, Anthony Saunders Date:March 2023 Abstract: Using supervisory data on the loan portfolios of large US banks, we document that these banks specialize by concentrating their lending disproportionately in a few industries. This specialization is consistent with banks having industry-specific knowledge, reflected in reduced risk of loan defaults, lower aggregate charge-offs, and[…]

SAFE Working Paper – The Long-Run Real Effects of Banking Crises: Firm-Level Investment Dynamics and the Role of Wage Rigidity

Author(s):Carlo Wix Date:March 2023 Abstract: I study the long-run effects of credit market disruptions on real firm outcomes and how these effects depend on nominal wage rigidity at the firm level. Exploiting variation in firms’ refinancing needs during the global financial crisis, I trace out firms’ investment and growth trajectories in response to a credit[…]

ECB Working Paper Series – Firm-bank relationships: a cross-country comparison

Author(s):Kamelia Kosekova, Angela Maddaloni, Melina Papoutsi, Fabiano Schivardi Date:June 2023 Abstract: We document the structure of firm-bank relationships across eleven euro area countries and present new stylised facts using data from the Eurosystem credit registry – AnaCredit. We look at the number of banking relationships, reliance on the main bank, credit instruments, loan maturity, and[…]