NBER Working Paper – Banking without Deposits: Evidence from Shadow Bank Call Reports

Author(s):Erica Jiang, Gregor Matvos, Tomasz Piskorski & Amit Seru Date:March 2020 (revised September 2023) Abstract: We ask how much leverage banks would choose in the absence of safety nets tied to insured deposits. Using uniquely assembled data on capital structure decisions of shadow banks – intermediaries that provide banking services but are not funded by[…]

CEPR Discussion Paper – Sharing the Burden Equally? Intra-Group Effects of Bank Capital Requirements

Author(s):Hans Degryse, Mike Mariathasan, Carola Theunisz Date:September 2023 Abstract: This paper investigates the intra-group transmission of stricter capital regulation imposed at the banking group level. Specifically, we study how a policy-induced increase in the regulatory capital ratio impacts the capital adequacy composition, lending and risk-taking of the affiliated subsidiaries. Using a combination of bank and[…]

CEPR Discussion Paper – Bank restructuring under asymmetric information: The role of bad loan sales

Author(s):Anatoli Segura, Javier Suarez Date:September 2023 Abstract: We study restructuring solutions to the debt overhang problem faced by banks with a deteriorated loan portfolio in the presence of asymmetric information on loan quality. Classical liability restructuring solutions fail to work because banks can overstate the severity of their bad loan problem to obtain additional concessions[…]

CEPR Discussion Paper – Keep Calm and Bank On: Panic-Driven Bank Runs and the Role of Public Communication

Author(s):Damiano Sandri, Francesco Grigoli, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Olivier Coibion Date:September 2023 Abstract: Using a survey with information treatments conducted in the aftermath of SVB’s collapse, we study households’ perspectives on bank stability, the potential for panic-driven bank runs, and the role of public communication. When informed about SVB’s collapse, households become more likely to withdraw deposits,[…]

CEPR Discussion Paper – The macroeconomic effects of bank capital regulation

Author(s):Sandra Eickmeier, Benedikt Kolb, Esteban Prieto Date:August 2023 Abstract: Using a narrative identification strategy, we trace the dynamic effects of higher US capital requirements to bank lending and the real economy. In the short run, banks deleverage and reduce lending, which in turn lowers real economic activity. However, these effects are temporary. Over the longer[…]

Working Paper – Global Capital Allocation

Author(s):Sergio Florez-Orrego, Matteo Maggiori, Jesse Schreger, Ziwen Sun, Serdil Tinda Date:August 2023 Abstract: We survey the literature on global capital allocation. We begin by reviewing the rise of cross-border investment, the shift towards portfolio investment, and the literature focusing on aggregate patterns in multilateral and bilateral positions. We then turn to the recent literature that[…]

IMF Working Paper – Macroprudential Policies and Capital Controls Over Financial Cycles

Author(s):Maria Arakelyan, Adam Gersl, Martin Schindler Date:August 2023 Abstract: In this paper we assess the effectiveness of macroprudential policies and capital controls in supporting financial stability. We construct a large and granular dataset on prudential and capital flow management measures covering 53 countries during 1996-2016. Conditional on a credit boom, we study the impact of[…]

NBER Working Paper – How do Financial Crises Redistribute Risk?

Author(s):Kris James Mitchener, Angela Vossmeyer Date:August 2023 Abstract: We examine how financial crises redistribute risk, employing novel empirical methods and micro data from the largest financial crisis of the 20th century – the Great Depression. Using balance-sheet and systemic risk measures at the bank level, we build an econometric model with incidental truncation that jointly[…]

NBER Working Paper – Measuring Financial Integration: More Data, More Countries, More Expectations

Author(s):Menzie D. Chinn, Hiro Ito Date:July 2023 Abstract: We assess market mediated financial integration over the last fifty years. We first systematically lay out several definitions of financial integration, and then review the evidence regarding whether covered interest parity, uncovered interest parity, and real interest parity hold across industrial and non-industrial countries. Finally we examine[…]