2021 RCFS Winter Conference

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CfP Deadline Date:
December 1, 2020

Conference Event:
February 13-14, 2021

Event Location:

Society for Financial Studies

The Society for Financial Studies is hosting the fourth annual Review of Corporate Finance Studies Winter Conference on February 13and14, 2021. This will be a high-quality conference with a limited number of papers on corporate finance, financial intermediation and household finance topics. Our aim is to bring together a select group of top-quality researchers to present and discuss cutting-edge papers in the field. We welcome submissions in all areas of corporate finance, financial intermediation and household finance.Because of the Covid-19 situation, the 2021 conference will be fully online, and sessions will be held on Zoom. We hope to revive the in-person conference starting in 2022. The sessions will be arranged by the RCFS Editors (Andrew Ellul, Isil Erel, Camelia Kuhnen, and Uday Rajan). We welcome both empirical and theoretical papers in corporate finance. Special Session on “Discrimination, Disparities, and Diversityin Finance”.

We plan to have aspecial session at the conference on the theme “Discrimination, Disparities, and Diversity in Finance” At this stage, we are calling for Registered Reports on subjects related to this theme in the areas of corporate finance, household finance, and financial intermediation. Possible topics include gender-based and race-based discrimination and inequality, as well as diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Please see our Call for Registered Reports for more details. After the conference, a small set of selected proposals will be granted in-principle acceptance for publication in the RCFS.

Further Information:

Please note there are different deadlines for regular papers and for Registered Reports.

Regular papers: December 1, 2020
Registered Reports on Discrimination, Disparities, and Diversity in Finance : December 21, 2020

Please submit your paper or Registered Report using this link. A submitted paper must not have been accepted (or conditionally accepted) at a journal. The submission fee is US $50 per submission.

For regular papers, the RCFS Winter Conference features dual submission to The Review of Corporate Finance Studies. Authors should indicate if they wish their paper to be considered (at no extra fee) for publication by RCFS under the Dual Submission Program. This is a “no-fault” submission option: if the RCFS reviews the paper and rejects it, the authors may submit it to any SFS journal at a later date as if it was never submitted. See http://sfs.org/dualsubmissionpolicy/ for details.

Link Conference:
2021 RCFS Winter Conference