1st Joint Bank of England – Banque de France – IMF – OECD Workshop on International Capital Flows and Financial Policies

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CfP Deadline Date:
February 1st, 2020

Conference Event:
April 22nd, 2020

Event Location:
Paris, France

The Bank of England, the Banque de France, the IMF and the OECD.

The general objective of the workshop is to deepen the understanding of the benefits and risks of global capital flows and advance the debate on the appropriate financial policy toolkit, including through discussion of the effectiveness and externalities of various policies. It aims to enhance the dialogue between the research and the policy community on these questions. The workshop will be held at the OECD headquarters in Paris on 22 April 2020. The meeting will take place back-to-back with the meeting of the Advisory Task Force on the OECD Codes of Liberalisation (ATFC).

We would welcome submissions in the following areas:

  • Going beyond traditional statistics: mapping of capital flows and policy implications; in particular, research that tries to identify the “ultimate investor”, and that may also cover policy issues related to tax evasion, FDI, and profit-shifting.
  • The changing composition of flows: the shift away from banks to non-banks and corporates and financial stability implications.
  • Surges, stops and “normals” for capital flows. The optimal policy mix in the face of spillovers and its effectiveness of tackling capital flow volatility.
  • Financial integration or fragmentation, capital controls, and pre-conditions for further liberalisation.

Further Information:

Preference will be given to empirical papers. There is no registration fee for the workshop. Limited funds for presenters from academic institutions (excluding central banks and institutions) are available. Please communicate in your submission if you require financial assistance for travel and accommodation.

Full papers should be sent to: internationalcapitalflows_workshop@oecd.org by 1st February 2020. The selection of papers will be communicated by 1st March 2020.