CfP Deadline Date:
April 20, 2022
Conference Event:
May 12-13, 2022
Event Location:
Paris, France
Keynote speaker(s):
- Pr. Perry Sadorsky (Schulich School of Business at York University, Toronto, Canada)
- Pr. Ugur Soytas (Technical University of Denmark)
EDC Paris Business School, and CY Paris Cergy University
The achievement of the seventh sustainable development goal SDG#7 (i.e., affordable, and clean energy) aims at providing access to affordable and clean energy- promoting renewable energy production and use as an alternative to the extensive use of conventional pollutant energy resources. In the efforts to reduce risks and adverse impacts of climate change and to actively contribute to mitigating global warming under the Paris Climate Accord, policymakers are trying to diversify their mix of energy by fostering renewable energy development. In 2019, the SDGs report argued that more than 2.6 billion people representing one-third of the world’s population are using the dangerous and infectious cooking system. In addition, lack of electricity remains a major issue of SDGs because more than 700 million people lack access to electricity and most of them are living in sub-Saharan Africa.
Accelerated action to achieve energy transition is insistently needed especially in the heating and transport sectors. The United Nation’s report shows that the share of renewable and modern energy on total energy consumption is so much lower than the expected result before 2030. Indeed, the share of modern and renewable energy on total final energy consumption is 25% in the electricity sector, 9.2% in the heat sector, and 3,4% in the transport sector.
Consequently, active academic research on SDGs achievement could be very useful to put forward effective policy recommendations and practical actions. The conference is contributing to the world forum in this field by giving the opportunity to researchers from different backgrounds to present and discuss their SDGs achievement contributions with business leaders, policymakers, activists, and academics.
The conference topics include, but not limited to:
- Renewable energy deployment
- Green innovation and energy transition
- Climate negotiations and scenarios
- Incentive and non-linear water and electricity pricing
- Climate risks: modelling and assessment
- Green innovation and 4.0 industrial revolution
- Green Washing and CSR decoupling
- Economic, social and governance effects of climate uncertainty
- Intergenerational choices under global environmental change
- Outlook of the oil market and macroeconomic stability in OPEC member countries
- Climate change policy and the future of hydrocarbon economy
- Hydrocarbon economy vs green economy
- Renewable energy and minerals demand nexus
- Sustainable finance & Circular economy
- Social and sustainable entrepreneurship
- Temperature implications for agriculture, food, and water
- Welfare and social preferences
Further Information:
The EFS annual conference offers several opportunities of publications in Top ranked journals.
Special issue in journals : Energy Economics; Energy Journal; IEEE TEM; IJBGE; Sustainability
Link CfP and Conference: 4th Edition of Ethical Finance and Sustainability Conference (EFS-2022)