Central Bank of Ireland & UCD Workshop on Macro-Finance and Financial Stability Policies

CfP Deadline: July 1, 2024 Conference Event: December 5-6, 2024 Event Location: Dublin, Ireland Organizer(s): Central Bank of IrelandUniversity College Dublin Description: Submission: For consideration in the programme, papers must be submitted by 1 July 2024 to MFDadmin@centralbank.ie, with “FS Research Workshop 2024” in the subject line. Authors of accepted work will be contacted by[…]

5th Research Workshop – The Future of Financial Mutuals

CfP Deadline: June 23, 2024 Conference Event: November 7, 2024 Event Location: Rome, Italy Organizer(s): University of Roma Tre Financial Technology Essex University of Essex (FINTEX)Centre of Cooperative Banking (CRCC) at the Catholic University of the Sacred HeartCentre for Banking Research (CBR) at Bayes Business SchoolFinancial Intermediation Network of European Studies (FINEST)Italian Federation of Cooperative[…]