Workshop on Banking and Finance in Emerging Markets

CfP Deadline: April 1, 2024 Conference Event: August 19-20, 2024 Event Location: Helsinki, Finland Organizer(s): LaRGE Research Center (University of Strasbourg)Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT)Gabelli School of Business (Fordham University New York) Keynote Speaker(s): Ross Levine (Stanford University) Description: Submission: Those interested in presenting a paper should submit a copy of their[…]

February 2024: ECB Supervision Newsletter

by the ECB The supervison newsletter is published every three months. It highlights and summarises key issues in banking supervision that are of interest to banks and the wider financial sector. This issue includes among others an Interview with Claudia Buch and articles on rise in outsourcing, data quality, ICT and security risks, and stronger[…]