May 2022: New ECB Financial Stability Review: Transmission and effectiveness of capital-based macroprudential policies

By Markus Behn, Jan Hannes Lang and Eugen Tereanu One important lesson learned from the use of capital-based macroprudential policies in recent years is that tightening such policies during boom phases is unlikely to have a notable impact on credit supply and the build-up of imbalances, while the accumulated resilience and the release of buffers[…]

MNB-OMFIF Financial Stability Conference 2022

CfP Deadline Date: April 22, 2022 Conference Event: May 26-27, 2022 Event Location: Budapest, Hungary and online Organizer(s): Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) The Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) is organizing a conference jointly with OMFIF (Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum) titled Financial Stability Analysis: new challenges and focuses. The conference will take place on Thursday-Friday,[…]

Monetary Policy in Exceptional Times: The Pandemic Experience and Current Challenges

CfP Deadline Date: May 30, 2022 Conference Event: September 29-30, 2022 Event Location: Rome, Italy Keynote speaker(s): Annette Vissing-Jørgensen (Federal Reserve Board and CEPR) Simon Gilchrist (New York University and NBER) Organizer(s): Banca d’Italia Banca d’Italia is organising a conference on Monetary Policy in Exceptional Times: The Pandemic Experience and Current Challenges on September 29-30,[…]

2022 SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific

CfP Deadline Date: June 30, 2022 Conference Event: December 16-18, 2022 Event Location: Shenzhen, China Organizer(s): The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Nanyang Technological University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Finance Institute (SFI) The SFS is happy to announce the 2022 SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific, hosted by the School of[…]