Tenth Baffi Carefin Banking Conference “Banking and Financial Regulation”

CfP Deadline Date: May 15, 2018 Conference Event: October 4-5, 2018 Event Location: Bocconi University, Milano MI, Italy Keynote speaker: Olivier Guersent (Director-General FISMA, European Commission) The BAFFI CAREFIN Centre for Applied Research on International Markets, Banking, Finance and Regulation at Bocconi University is hosting its tenth Conference on Banking and Financial Regulation, to be held[…]

May 2018: IMF released Annual Macroprudential Policy Survey

As use of macroprudential policy tools is growing, the IMF has initiated an annual survey on macroprudential policy with its membership. The resulting new database provides information on policy measures taken by IMF member countries as well as on the institutional arrangements in place to support macroprudential policy.   Link Paper: IMF 2017 Macroprudential Policy[…]

May 2018: New VoxEU Column. Financial globalisation and bank lending: The limits of domestic monetary policy

Financial globalisation and bank lending: The limits of domestic monetary policy The effectiveness of monetary policy in dictating banking activities is one of the keys to understanding how efficient monetary policy is in tuning the real economy. This column uses data on Norwegian banks to show that efficiency may be eroded by international financial flows[…]

ECB released annual Report on Financial integration in Europe (May 2018)

The ECB’s annual report on financial integration in Europe contributes to the advancement of the European financial integration process by analysing its development and the related policies. For the ECB, the market for a given set of financial instruments and/or services is fully integrated if all potential market participants with the same relevant characteristics: (1)[…]

5th SAFE Asset Pricing Workshop

CfP Deadline Date: July 15, 2018 Conference Event: September 25, 2018 Event Location: House of Finance, Campus Westend, Goethe University Frankfurt Keynote speaker: / The Research Center SAFE at Goethe University Frankfurt and the Deutsche Bundesbank are organizing the 5th SAFE Asset Pricing Workshop to stimulate the discussion of current developments in the field. The[…]

5th SAFE Asset Pricing Workshop

CfP Deadline Date: July 15, 2018 Conference Event: September 25, 2018 Event Location: House of Finance, Campus Westend, Goethe University Frankfurt Keynote speaker: / The Research Center SAFE at Goethe University Frankfurt and the Deutsche Bundesbank are organizing the 5th SAFE Asset Pricing Workshop to stimulate the discussion of current developments in the field. The[…]