The 16th Paris December Finance Meeting

Scheduled ical Google outlook Conferences
Novotel Paris Les Halles, 8, Souterrain Grande Boucle (Voie BCL), Quartier des Halles, Les Halles, 1st Arrondissement, Paris, Ile-de-France, Metropolitan France, 75001, France Map

CfP Deadline Date: June 4, 2018
Conference Event: December 20, 2018

Event Location: Novotel Paris les Halles Hotel, Paris, France
Keynote speaker: /

The 16th Paris December Finance Meeting is organized in downtown Paris on December 20, 2018 by EUROFIDAI (European Financial Data Institute) and ESSEC Business School with the participation of AFFI (French Finance Association).
In 2018, the meeting is jointly sponsored by CERESSEC / CDC Institute for Economic Research / CNRS / Institut Louis Bachelier / Fondation Banque de France in Money, Finance and Banking / Equipex BEDOFIH project (European high frequency financial database) / Amundi / Ardian / “Regulation and Systemic Risk” ACPR Chair.
All researchers in finance are invited to present in English their latest research in all areas of finance and insurance, with a special attention given to papers including empirical analysis.

Link CfP: 16th Paris December Finance Meeting

Link Conference: 16th Paris December Finance Meeting