CfP Deadline:
June 15, 2025
Conference Event:
November 14, 2025
Event Location:
Zurich, Switzerland
Swiss National Bank
IM-TCD at Trinity College Dublin
Keynote Speaker(s):
Kristin Forbes (MIT)
Philip Lane (ECB)
The Swiss National Bank and the IM-TCD at Trinity College Dublin are jointly organizing the first edition of the “Workshop on International Macroeconomics and Finance”. The event will bring together leading researchers from both academia and policy institutions to present and discuss cutting-edge research in
international macro and finance.The workshop will take place in Zurich on Friday, November 14, 2025 (all day) with the welcome dinner on the evening of November 13.
The focus theme will be “Globalization and the economics of the external sector”. Globalization has intensified over the past few decades, making the interpretation of headline data increasingly complex. Factors such as the rise of intangible capital, shifts in financial intermediation, and deeper integration into
global value chains have blurred the distinction between domestic and external sector data. This workshop seeks to tackle these challenges by leveraging granular data to offer fresh insights into key macroeconomic issues.The last session of the workshop will be a panel discussion on policy implications of recent research findings including those discussed at the workshop. Kristin Forbes (MIT) and Philip Lane (ECB) are confirmed panelists.
We welcome paper submissions that make use of micro-level data to address various themes in international macroeconomics and finance. These themes include, but are not limited to:
- Capital flows
- Financial linkages
- Geoeconomic fragmentation
- Exchange rates
- Global imbalances
- Measurement issues
The deadline for paper submissions is June 15, 2025. Please send completed papers to Authors of accepted papers will be notified by August 1.
Travel funding may be available for academic presenters and discussants upon request.
JIMF special issue
The papers can be considered for inclusion in the Journal of International Money and Finance (JIMF) special issue titled “Globalization and the economics of the external sector”. The papers will be peer reviewed on an expedited basis. The special issue will be edited by Menzie Chinn, Agustín Bénétrix, and Pınar Yeşin.