Call for Paper
CfP deadline: 31 July, 2019
The special issue invites submissions of high-quality empirical research papers on topics related to the theme of changes in banks’ business models and their impact on credit supply. The banking sector is globally undergoing many structural changes as a result of the combined post-crisis impacts of changes in economic environment and regulation, and increased financial innovation. These changes have had a profound effect on how banks are funded and on how they operate. As banks pursue different strategies to transform their scope of activities and change their funding structure, the traditional model of a bank as deposit-taking and loan-making is not enough to assess the changes in the supply of credit.
It is hard to identify the effects of these changes on lending supply because changes and shocks also affect the demand side. However, advances in econometrics and data sets at the micro level have opened up the possibility for more precise identification strategies. In particular, the use of detailed credit register (or other sources of micro) data allows proper identification of how (changes in) banks’ characteristics affect the supply of credit.
In light of these developments, a special issue of the Journal of Banking and Finance aims to provide a timely and comprehensive overview of the links between banks’ business models and credit supply, using micro data. The contributions to be published in the special issue are intended to engage and inform debates in academic and policy arenas.
Submissions may address topics that include, but are not limited to:
· The effects of (changes in) bank-specific characteristics on the supply of credit.
· How banks’ business models influence banks’ response to domestic shocks
(e.g., monetary policy).· The impact of bank-specific characteristics on the sensitivity of credit supply to global financial conditions and uncertainty measures.
· Changes in the characteristics of the funding structure of banks and their effects on the sensitivity to funding investment opportunities.
· The impact of the global financial crisis, shifts in global risk factors and uncertainty, changes in global and domestic regulatory reform, and the evolution of technology on how banks manage their balance sheet and business model.
All submissions should be made using the following address (link). The Guest Editors will initially review the papers and decide which papers will go forward for review by two anonymous referees. The General Editors of the Journal of Banking and Finance have oversight over the final set of papers accepted for publication.
Link CfP: “Banks’ business models and credit supply: new evidence using micro data”