CfP Deadline Date:
September 1, 2021
Conference Event:
November 17-18, 2021
Event Location:
Florence School of Banking and Finance, Sustainable Architecture for Finance Europe and the Single Resolution Board
The Single Resolution Board, the Florence School of Banking and Finance, and the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE are organising an interdisciplinary academic event, entitled ‘Bank crisis management – what next?’. The event will take place in the afternoons of 17 & 18 November 2021 in a virtual format. With the Global Financial Crisis now more than a decade behind us, and against the backdrop of a seemingly strongly recovering economy, this academic event aims to identify, and evaluate the successes and challenges of the post-crisis EU bank crisis management framework. How has the presence of new resolution tools, precautionary measures and regulations stood up in times of stress? Are we on a road to economic recovery that will also invigorate the financial sector? Or is the financial sector standing on a dangerous cliff edge that is yet to be recognised? What are the next steps in the journey towards a sustainable and stable financial sector in the EU and in other jurisdictions? These and more questions will be explored during the two half-day conference jointly organised by the SRB, FBF, and SAFE. The event brings together leading scholars, and policy-makers to discuss economic, financial, legal, political and public policy topics located at the cutting edge of financial stability and bank crisis management, both from a European and non-European perspective.
We welcome original theoretical and empirical contributions, from different disciplines and geographies, on topics including, but not limited to:
- Review of the EU bank crisis management and deposit insurance framework: tension between handling bank failures and protecting depositors;
- Completing the Banking Union: the European Deposit Insurance Scheme;
- Shielding EU public money from the effects of bank failures under EU State Aid rules;
- Interaction between liquidity, capital and bail-inable debt requirements;
- Cross-border resolution and challenges for home/host authorities;
- Liquidity and funding in resolution: progress and challenges ahead;
- Did post-financial-crisis reforms make the EU banking sector more resilient?;
- Moments of widespread bank fragility: contagion, systemic risk, and resolution;
- The role of international standard-setting in resolution and crisis management rules;
- The impact of Covid-19 on European banks and on the EU bank crisis management framework;
- Does the exit strategy post-Covid-19 pose a challenge to the banking sector?; and
- Safe assets & Covid-19 recovery.
While some of the topics are Europe-specific, we also encourage papers that assess non-European experience.
Further Information:
- Each contribution should address one of the above topics and should include an Extended Abstract of maximum one-page.
- The deadline for submission is 1 September 2021.
- The authors of papers accepted by the Scientific Committee will be notified by 15 October 2021.
- The selected papers will be eligible for publication on the SRB, FBF, and SAFE websites. Presenters may also be interviewed for an SRB podcast and for selected short FBF videos.
Submit you paper here
Link CfP & Conference: Bank Crisis Management – what next?