Australasian Finance & Banking Conference

Scheduled ical Google outlook Open Call For Papers
Sydney, Australia Map

CfP Deadline Date:
July 30, 2021

Conference Event:
December 15-17, 2021

Event Location:
Sydney, Australia

Institute of Global Finance and the School of Banking and Finance (UNSW Business School)

The AFBC is the most significant and prestigious finance conference in the Asia-Pacific region. It brings together the world’s foremost leaders of thought from the financial community, providing international academics and industry professionals with the opportunity to meet and share their research and interest in finance-related fields. The Conference Committee would like to invite all academics and practitioners to participate.

Submissions to the conference open mid June and close Friday 30th July.

Registration will open soon for the 34th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference.

A range of prizes are available for papers that are selected for presentation at the conference.

Further Information:

When and Where
  • When: Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th December 2021.
    The PhD Forum will be held on Tuesday 14th December 2021.
PhD Forum

As part of the annual Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, UNSW will host a forum for advanced Finance Doctoral Students who are currently working on their dissertation.

Submit a paper

Submissions will open in mid June for the 34th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference.

Submission deadline: Friday 30th July 2021.


Registration will open soon.

Registration deadline for accepted papers: October 1st 2021

Further inquiries:

Link CfP & Conference:
Australasian Finance & Banking Conference