Annual Bank Regulation Research Conference – Key Risks and Challenges for Regulation: Climate and Digitalization

Scheduled ical Google outlook Open Call For Papers
New York, USA Map

CfP Deadline Date:
November 1, 2021

Conference Event:
February 11, 2022

Event Location:
New York, USA

Bank Policy Institute and Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs

The Bank Policy Institute and Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs invite the submission of papers for our annual conference on Bank Regulation and Supervision. At this stage, we are planning an in-person conference in 2022, but we are prepared to change to a hybrid/virtual format if needed. The purpose of the conference is to bring together academics, market participants, and policymakers to discuss the latest research on the design and impacts of bank regulation.

TOPICS: This year’s conference will focus on two areas of significant risk and opportunity for banks: climate and digitalization and their implications for regulation and supervision. We invite papers that explore all aspects of these topics including but not limited to:
– Measurement of companies’ and portfolios’ GHG emissions and carbon footprints.
– Modeling of climate-related risks for firms, borrowers, sovereign and municipalities.
– Impact of climate change on lending and financial markets.
– Lessons for climate financial risks from historical instances of industrial change.
– The impact of digitalization on competition in the provision of financial services.
– Risks and benefits of stablecoins and special fintech bank charters.
– Technological innovations in financial and payment systems: implications for financial inclusion and market structure.

We welcome theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented papers.

Further Information:

PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: The deadline to submit a detailed abstract or completed paper is November 1, 2021.

Please send submissions by email to

Authors of accepted papers will be notified by December 15, 2021.

Link CfP & Conference:
Key Risks and Challenges for Regulation: Climate and Digitalization